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发布时间:2020-08-10 17:28编辑:白芸来源:环球教育日报


在今天开幕式的第一堂课上, 来自清华大学、北京大学、西安交通大学等著名高校的优秀学生在WHF主席兼联合国社会经济事务部发言人Frank Liu和联合国60届非政府组织大会主席Richard Jordan 教授兼WHF共同理事长的主持带领下,学生们参加了今天联合国经社理事会ECOSOC以“全球抗疫情与经济可持续发展”为主题的高端圆桌会议。

联合国秘书长古特雷斯做了以“如何面对当前疫情挑战”为主旨的开幕讲演,随后,著名的中美建交功臣、美国前驻联合国代表团大使、美国国会最资深的101岁老议员Lester Wolff为同学们进行开幕式授课,并针对如何促进美、中、台关系改善进行了有意义的探讨与互动。 接着,Richard Jordan 教授对联合国及联合国的概况给学生们上了生动的第一课,大家都收获颇丰。课后,来自北大的学生zheng lin yi , 说:“我非常荣幸能够参加联合国实习特训计划”, 来自西安交通大学的jia wen 说::我对参加此项目印象深刻。来自清华大学的学生liu si yi 说:” 我将来想到联合国工作,所以想尽自己最大的努力多学习领导力方面的知识,这是她加入这个联合国特训计划的原因

学生们感到 直接与国际规则的制订者对话,是课堂上难以体验的宝贵经历,十分期待在日后的会议和研究中能够学到真知灼见,为地球和谐发展贡献微薄力量。

该联合国特训课程的中国组织者,“优携”教育计划青少年领导力国际实习教育机构UCE创联总裁兼WHF中国区教育委员会秘书长、青年教育家Derek白说:“ 实行“优携”教育计划青少年领导力国际实习5年以来,成百上千名中国优秀青年进入国际舞台,锻炼专业水平和国际领导力,这是顺势而为,也是十分必要的。 ”


在接下来的3周中,作为特训课程,让学生们学到学校课堂学不到的知识与案例,除了Richard Jordan 教授安排的联合国实际会议课程外,WHF主席Frank Liu注重安排实际案例学习,让学生们能够了解如何组织与参与联合国高大上活动?如何成为青少年智库参与中美关系的改善的建议?如何了解华尔街资本市场、国际法、公共健康与管理等,为未来成为行业领袖打下坚实基础。




ACTV记者Janey Ren 纽约报道。

Global Executive Leadership Program launched today

In the current unpredictable international situation, it is increasingly important to cultivate youth leadership. Today, the online special training program “Global Executive Leadership Program” for international young leaders hosted by the World Harmony Foundation, is successfully held during the epidemic.

Outstanding students from Tsinghua University, Peking University and Xi'an Jiaotong University attended today's opening ceremony. Under the leadership of Frank Liu, chairman of WHF and spokesman of United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and professor Richard Jordan, chairman of the 60th UN NGO conference and co-president of WHF, the students participated in the high-level round table meeting of ECOSOC today with the theme of "global anti-epidemic and sustainable economic development".

U.N. Secretary General Guterres delivered an opening speech with the theme of "how to face the current epidemic challenge". After that, Lester Wolff, the famous meritorious hero in the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, the former ambassador of the United States delegation to the United Nations, and the most senior 101-year-old congressman of the United States Congress, gave lectures on the opening ceremony for the students, and made meaningful discussions and interactions on how to promote the improvement of relations among the United States, China and Taiwan. Then, Professor Richard Jordan gave the students a vivid first lesson about the United Nations and the orientation of the United Nations. After the first class, Linyi Zheng from Peking University said, "I'm very honored to be able to participate in the Global Executive Leadership Program." Jiawen Yang from Xi'an Jiaotong University said: “I'm very impressed by the program.” Siyi Liu from Tsinghua University said: "I want to work in the United Nations in the future, so I will to do my best to learn more about leadership. That's why I joined the Global Executive Leadership Program.”

Students think that direct dialogue with international rules makers is a valuable experience that is difficult to experience in the classroom. They are looking forward to broadening horizons and insights in future conferences and researches, and contributing their meager power to the harmonious development of the earth.

The Chinese organizer of the Global Executive Leadership Program, the president of UCE Chuanglian, an international internship education organization for youth leadership, and the secretary general of the WHF Education Committee in China, youth educator Derek Bai said: "since the implement of youth leadership education program for five years, thousands of outstanding Chinese youths have entered the international stage to exercise their professional skills and international leadership. This is to follow the trend of the times and this is very necessary."

The cultivation of youth leadership should start with innovation, critical thinking and service spirit. But creativity, leadership and public relations are the short board of Chinese students. Cultivating the consciousness of making decisions independently is most needed. Secondly, they must pay attention to whether their choices are unique, and finally they must cultivate their ability to make their own choices. In international education, more attention should be paid to the cultivation of youth leadership. The promotion of youth leadership helps to internationalize China's education, endow individuals with unique values in the fierce social competition and obtain a sense of achievement.

In the next 4 weeks, as a special training program, students can learn knowledge and handle cases that can't be learned in class. In addition to the United Nations actual conference course arranged by Professor Richard Jordan, Frank Liu Chairman of WHF will focus on arranging actual case studies and let the students understand “how to organize and participate in the high-level activities of the United Nations?”, “How to become a youth think tank to participate in the improvement of Sino-US relations?”,“How to understand the Wall Street capital market, international law, public health and management?”, etc. And this can help students lay a solid foundation for becoming an industry leader in the future.

Anyone is a potential leader. Jack Ma said: Leadership = Vision + Mind + Power, which means that even if you have not done organization or leadership work yet, it does not mean you won’t do it in the future. We will strive to make our Global Executive Leadership Program better and better, and more efficiently inspire and cultivate youth leadership. Welcome aspiring young people from all over the world to participate in.